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1. 新立得軟體包管理器的使用指南

Getting Started(啟動)
To launch Synaptic, choose System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.
要運行新立得,點擊系統 > 系統管理 > 新立得軟體包管理器(System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager)。
The main window is divided into three sections: a package browser on the left, the package list on the upper right, and package details on the lower right. The status bar shows you the system state at a glance.
Browsing the package database(瀏覽軟體包資料庫)
To browse the (very large) list of available packages by category, section, package status, custom filters, or recent searches. Click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the left window pane. You can also create your own filters. See the filters Filters section for details.
如果要按分類、類別、狀態、自定義過濾器或者最近搜索來瀏覽軟體包列表(巨大)。點擊窗口左下角相應的按鈕。您也可以自定義過濾器。關於過濾器的詳細信息,請參考filters Filters一節。
To search for packages by name or description, click on the Search button in the toolbar:
You can examine a number of package details in the lower right window pane such as its size, its dependencies, recommended or suggested additional packages, and a short description.
Adding or Removing Software(添加或刪除軟體)
To install a package
安裝一個軟體包 :
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
點擊刷新(Reload)或者按下Ctrl + R來使新立得獲得最新的軟體包信息。
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Installation from the context menu, or press Ctrl + I. If the package requires the installation of another package, a dialog box appears:
右鍵點擊需要的軟體包,然後在彈出的菜單中選擇標記以便安裝(Mark for Installation)或者按下 Ctrl + I.
Synaptic will warn you if your choices conflict with packages that are already installed on your system. If this is the case, the dialog box will show you any packages that need to be removed. If you are not sure you don't need the package(s) that will be removed, make sure you look up its function and use before you apply the changes you've made.
Click Mark to allow the installation of the additional package(s).
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
當您滿意您的選擇後,點擊工具欄上的應用(Apply)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + P。
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made.
Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
To remove or 'completely remove' a package
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Removal from the context menu
右鍵點擊需要刪除的軟體包,然後在彈出的菜單中選擇標記以便刪除(Mark for Removal)。
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
當您滿意您的選擇後,點擊工具欄上的應用(Apply)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + P。
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
The Mark for Complete Removal option instructs Synaptic to remove any configuration files associated with the package as well. 標記以便徹底刪除(Mark for Complete Removal)選項會使新立得同時刪除所有與軟體包相關的配置文件。
To upgrade a package
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
點擊刷新(Reload)或者按下Ctrl + R來使新立得獲得最新的軟體包信息。
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Upgrade from the context menu, or press Ctrl + U.
右鍵點擊需要的軟體包,然後在彈出的菜單中選擇標記以便升級(Mark for Upgrade'''')或者按下 Ctrl + U.
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
當您滿意您的選擇後,點擊工具欄上的應用(Apply)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + P。
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
Managing Repositories(管理軟體倉庫)
You can manage the list of repositories or software channels from the Software Preferences Panel. To learn more about managing software channels in Ubuntu, see the Ubuntu Repositories wiki page. You can call up the software preferences panel from within Synaptic by selecting Repositories from the Settings menu.
As a front-end to apt, Synaptic uses the system-wide list of software repositories file located at
/etc/apt/sources.list For more on managing software channels, see the Repositories wiki page. 作為apt的前端,新立得使用系統系統己的軟體倉庫配置文件:
Updating the Package List(更新軟體包列表)
Synaptic maintains a database of packages on your system in order to keep track of installed software. This list is checked against the software repositories to inform you of new packages or updates. Synaptic checks for new software packages when you launch Synaptic. It's a good idea to update the database from time to time while running Synaptic. In particular, you may want to do so if you have made changes to the list of software channels or if you have made changes to Synaptic's configuration. Just click on the Reload button or press Ctrl + R.
新立得維護了一個關於您系統上所有軟體包的資料庫來追蹤您系統上安裝了的軟體包。新立得通過檢查軟體倉庫來更新資料庫,這樣它就可以提示您新的軟體包或者已有軟體包的升級。新立得在啟動時檢查新的軟體包。在運行新立得時時常更新資料庫是個不錯的選擇。特別是當您改變了軟體倉庫列表或者更改了新立得的設置時,您可能需要立即更新資料庫。需要更新只需點擊工具欄上的刷新(Reload)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + R。
How to keep your system up-to-date(如何使您的系統保持最新)
Synaptic provides two methods for upgrading your system:
Smart Upgrade (Dist-Upgrade) -- recommended
The smart upgrade method tries to resolve package conflicts. This includes installing additional dependencies (required packages) if needed and preferring packages with higher priority. Smart Upgrade has the same effect as the apt-get dist-upgrade tool on the command line. d
智能升級(Dist-Upgrade) -- 推薦
智能升級會試圖解決軟體包之間沖突的問題。這包括在需要時安裝額外的依賴關系(需要的軟體包)或者選擇具有較高優先順序的軟體包。智能升級與命令行上的apt-get dist-upgrade具有同樣的效果。
Default Upgrade
The default upgrade method marks upgrades of installed packages only. If the new version of a package depends on not installed packages or coflicts with an already installed package, it will not be upgraded.
Dist-upgrade is the default upgrade method used by Synaptic. To change the upgrade method, choose Preferences from the Settings menu, then click on the General tab and adjust the System upgrade entry. 智能升級是新立得默認的升級方式。如果希望改變升級方式,選擇設置(Settings)菜單下的首選項(Preferences),點擊常規信息(General)選項卡,然後調整系統升級(System upgrade)項。
To upgrade your system with Synaptic:
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
點擊刷新(Reload)或者按下Ctrl + R來使新立得獲得最新的軟體包信息。
Click Mark all Upgrades or press Ctrl + G.
點擊工具欄上的標記所有軟體包以便升級(Mark all Upgrades)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + G。
Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ctrl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system.
點擊工具欄上的應用(Apply)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + P。* 這時會出現一個摘要您所作更改的對話框。
Click Apply to confirm the changes and go ahead with the upgrade.
Integration with Update-Manager
Synaptic works hand-in-hand with Update-Manager to inform you about updates to the software installed on your system. If software or security updates are available, Update-Manager will display a pop-up message and an icon in the notification area on your GNOME desktop. To update your system, click on the notification icon, enter your password and click OK.
You can change the frequency of update checks in the Software Preferences panel. Choose Repositories from the Settings menu, then click on the Internet Updates tab and adjust the Check for updates entry.
您可以通過軟體首選項面板(Software Preferences)改變檢查更新的頻率。選擇設置(Settings)菜單下的首選項(Preferences),點擊Internet Updates(Internet Updates)選項卡,然後調整自動檢查更新(Check for updates)項。
Locating software on your system(定位你系統上的軟體)
Synaptic can tell you about every file that belongs to a software package it knows about and show you where it is located on your system. Search the database for the software package you are interested in and select it in Synaptic's main window. Next, click on the Installed Files tab to see a list of all files and where they are.
新立得可以告訴您它所知道的一個包內所有的文件的位置。在資料庫中搜索您感興趣的軟體包,然後在新立得的主窗口中選中它。接著,點擊已安裝的文件(Installed Files)選項卡來查看每個文件的位置。
View the Changelog of a Package(查看軟體包的變更日誌)
Applies to native Debian (.deb) packages only
You can view the changelog of a package with Synaptic. Select a package, then choose Download Changelog from the Package menu.
您可以用新立得來查看一個軟體包的變更日誌。選定一個軟體包,然後選擇軟體包(Package)菜單下的下載變更日誌(Download Changelog)。
View History(查看歷史)
You can easily keep track of all changes made to your system's software configuration. To view the history log file, choose History from the File menu.
The history log only shows changes made with Synaptic.
How to force the installation of a package version(如何強制安裝某個版本的軟體包)
To be added: Why you would (and would not) want to force a specific version
To force the installation of a package different from the one chosen by Synaptic, do the following:
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
點擊刷新(Reload)或者按下Ctrl + R來使新立得獲得最新的軟體包信息。
Select the package. Choose Force Version from the Package menu.
選定需要改變的軟體包。選擇軟體包(Package)菜單下的強製版本(Force Version)。
Select the version you would like to use. To confirm your decision, click Force.
Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ctrl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system. To confirm, press Apply.
點擊工具欄上的應用(Apply)按鈕或者按下Ctrl + P。這時會出現一個摘要您所作更改的對話框。點擊應用(Apply)來確認。
How to fix broken packages(如何修復軟體包)
'Broken packages' are packages that have unsatisfied dependencies. If broken packages are detected, Synaptic will not allow any further changes to the system until all broken packages have been fixed.
To fix broken packages
Choose Edit > Fix Broken Packages from the menu.
選擇編輯(Edit)菜單下的修正損毀的軟體包(Fix Broken Packages)。
Choose Apply Marked Changes from the Edit menu or press Ctrl + P.
點擊編輯(Edit)菜單下的實施標記的更新(Apply Marked Change)或者按下Ctrl + P。
Confirm the summary of changes and click Apply.
Status Icons(狀態圖標)
The following icons are used to indicate the status of a package in the package list:
Keyboard shortcuts for Synaptic(新立得的快捷鍵)
<tablebgcolor=#f1f1ed tablewidth=80% tablestyle=margin: 0px 0px 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em; font-size: 0.9em;rowbgcolor=#dde3e7>Command <style=text-align: center;>Key Combination
Update the list of available packages <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + R
Open the package search dialog <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + F
Show the Properties window for the selected package <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + O
Mark the selected package(s) for installation <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + I
Mark the selected package(s) for upgrade <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + U
Mark the selected package(s) for removal <style=text-align: center;>Delete
Mark the selected package(s) for complete removal <style=text-align: center;>Shift + Delete
Unmark any changes to packages <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + N
Mark all possible upgrades <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + G
Force the installation of a specific version of the package <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + E
Undo the last change <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Z
Redo the last change <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Shift + Z
Apply all marked changes <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + P
Quit Synaptic <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Q
<tablebgcolor=#f1f1ed tablewidth=80% tablestyle=margin: 0px 0px 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em; font-size: 0.9em;rowbgcolor=#dde3e7>命令 <style=text-align: center;>組合鍵
更新軟體包列表 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + R
打開軟體包搜索對話框 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + F
顯示所選軟體包的屬性窗口 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + O
標記所選的軟體包以便安裝 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + I
標記所選的軟體包以便升級 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + U
標記所選的軟體包以便刪除 <style=text-align: center;>Delete
標記所選的軟體包以便徹底刪除 <style=text-align: center;>Shift + Delete
取消全部標記 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + N
標記所有更新 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + G
強制安裝某個版本的軟體包 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + E
撤銷最近一次更改 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Z
重做最近一次更改 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Shift + Z
應用所有標記的更改 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + P
退出新立得 <style=text-align: center;>Ctrl + Q

2. deb文件怎麼安裝到iphone

1、手機連接到電腦上,打開iTools同步軟體;找到文件系統-越獄系統,打開文件路徑:/var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall,將deb格式文件導入到該文件夾當中。 2、通過iTools找到deb文件的安裝目錄 3、導入deb格式文件 4、這時候,大家需要重啟iOS設備,重啟後打開iOS設備上的Cydia商店,進入到管理—軟體包就可以發現需要安裝的deb文件已經被安裝到手機上了 5、deb格式的Winterboard文件已經被安裝到手機上 注意:通過電腦連接手機安裝deb文件有一定的風險性,導入時要找清楚對應的文件目錄,不要隨意安裝第三方的deb文件。 對於iOS設備玩家來說,通過電腦連接iOS設備安裝deb文件能夠大大提高效率,畢竟由於各種的原因手機上連接Cydia商店下載軟體的成功率並不是特別高。

3. Ubuntu系統問題

var/cache/apt/archives 備份這個干什麼 ......沒用的

sudo apt-get update這個就是更新系統的軟體倉庫維護列表 ,包含了軟體倉庫中各軟體的信息和安全驗證散列

不管能不能聯網 已下載的文件都沒必要備份

linux備份時候只需要備份配置文件 ,和數據 ,這種安裝包完全沒必要

當然不行 apt-get 必須先運行一次 apt-get update 以建立軟體包索引,然後apt-get install的時候 系統會到sources.list 文件根據對應的軟體倉庫源 如果版本更新了 你下載到本地的就不能用了 建議把下載好的deb文件做成本地倉庫 並添加到sources.list這樣就好了

可以用下列的方法來建立類似官方 Debian archive 的本地端 deb repository :

# aptitude install dpkg-dev
# cd /usr/local
# install -d [pool] # 軟體包位置 也就是把你 archives文件夾另放個地方
# install -d dists/unstable/main/binary-i386
# ls -1 pool | sed 's/_.*$/ priority section/' | uniq > override
# editor override # 調整 priority 和 section
# dpkg-scanpackages pool override /usr/local/ \
> dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages
# cat > dists/unstable/main/Release << EOF
Archive: unstable
Version: 3.0
Component: main
Origin: Local
Label: Local
Architecture: i386
# echo "deb file:/usr/local unstable main" \
>> /etc/apt/sources.list


vae la

4. ubuntu的軟體下載及更新問題

更新管理器基本上只是管ubuntu系統的,就跟windows update差不多

5. ubuntu12.04怎麼設置軟體更新源

buntu的源用來apt-get install會根據源中的url去查找對應的軟體(guess),所以源的配置決定著你更新軟體的速度,甚至能否找到對應的命令(我就是在安裝一個命令發現404的時候才想起來更新的)。
當前的系統的源的信息保存在/etc/apt/sources.list文件中,當前系統的源如下(這個應該是ubuntu 12默認使用的):


terryu@ubuntu:~/workplace/tbnet/trunk/tbsys$ grep -v "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "^$"
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse
deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse


6. deb文件是什麼deb包是什麼

由於Unix類系統對許可權、所有者、組的嚴格要求,而deb格式安裝包又經常會涉及到系統比較底層的操作,所以許可權等的設置尤其重要。 deb包本身有三部分組成: 數據包,包含實際安裝的程序數據,文件名為data.tar.XXX;安裝信息及控制腳本包,包含deb的安裝說明,標識,腳本等,文件名為control.tar.gz; 最後一個是deb文件的一些二進制數據,包括文件頭等信息,一般看不到,在某些軟體中打開可以看到。deb本身可以使用不同的壓縮方式。tar格式並不是一種壓縮格式,而是直接把分散的文件和目錄集合在一起,並記錄其許可權等數據信息。之前提到過的data.tar.XXX,這里XXX就是經過壓縮後的後綴名。deb默認使用的壓縮格式為gzip格式,所以最常見的就是data.tar.gz。常有的壓縮格式還有bzip2和lzma,其中lzma壓縮率最高,但壓縮需要的CPU資源和時間都比較長。 data.tar.gz包含的是實際安裝的程序數據,而在安裝過程中,該包里的數據會被直接解壓到根目錄(即/),因此在打包之前需要根據文件所在位置設置好相應的文件/目錄樹。而control.tar.gz則包含了一個deb安裝的時候所需要的控制信息。一般有5個文件: control,用了記錄軟體標識,版本號,平台,依賴信息等數據; preinst,在解包data.tar.gz前運行的腳本; postinst,在解包數據後運行的腳本; prerm,卸載時,在刪除文件之前運行的腳本; postrm,在刪除文件之後運行的腳本; 在Cydia系統中,Cydia的作者Saurik另外添加了一個腳本,extrainst_,作用與postinst類似。 deb的特點: 豐富的資源:Cydia上本身就不少,更何況任何格式的安裝包都可以轉換為deb。相對方便的在線購買模式:CydiaStore,不過盡管沒有AppStore的5台設備的限制,但對國內用戶來說,付款方式比較困難。破解難度較大,沒有使用AppStore的驗證方式,所以必須將驗證和防破解措施加入程序裡面,這樣就比較難破解,對軟體開發者來說是個好事。完善的Unix文件系統支持:無需以命令設置文件的許可權、所有者和用戶組(當然也可以以腳本來設置)。 完善的腳本支持:5個腳本依照安裝和卸載的先後順序執行,可以提供更多選擇。比如備份還原操作,可以在preinst中備份文件,而在postrm中還原文件,嚴格的依賴關系:deb遵循嚴格的依賴關系(於Depends和Pre-Depends指定),可以確保軟體運行所必需的組件。在線安裝的時候會自動安裝所依賴的軟體包。卸載時也很重要,比如軟體包A依賴於B,當卸載B的時候會提示A依賴於B,卸載掉B的話會導致A不能用,這樣可以確保系統的完整性和穩定性。 完全許可權:由於deb必須以最高許可權root的身份運行,deb可以對系統任何位置進行操作,換句話說,deb擁有對整個系統的完全控制,因此deb安裝包軟體可以實現很多ipa不能實現的功能。相對簡單的獲取方式(在線或離線)和安裝方式,也不用擔心在不同機器上同步會刪掉程序的問題。

7. iphone 如何deb格式軟體和依賴包是什麼

[color=Red][b]一.IPA格式軟體的安裝方法[/b][/color]沒有越獄的iphone只能安裝 itunes裡面app store裡面正版的IPA軟體雖然裡面也有一些免費的軟體,但是大多數的軟體都是要收費的,而且價格不菲所以就有人破解了這些軟體,就是破解的IPA軟體,越獄的iphone不能直接用itunes安裝破解的IPA軟體,必須要打IPA破解補丁才可以。先連接wifi無線網路下面我們來用Cydia添加[url] [/url]源的方式來安裝下這個補丁1.進入cydia(第一次會自動重啟cydia一次,不用管它,彈出的的三個選項選擇第一個即可)[attach]36[/attach]2.選擇界面底部的Manage菜單,選擇Sources菜單[attach]37[/attach]3.點右上角的Edit按鈕[attach]38[/attach]4.點左上角的Add按鈕[attach]39[/attach]5.輸入[url] [/url]地址,然後點Add Source按鈕,一旦加入完成,點最下面的Return to Cydia button按鈕[attach]40[/attach]6.進入Hackulo.us,上圖中所示[attach]41[/attach]7.根據你機器固件版本選擇相應的補丁安裝,本教程測試機器使用3.0固件[attach]42[/attach]8.點右上角的 Install開始安裝[attach]43[/attach]9.點右上角的Confirm確認安裝[attach]44[/attach]10.等待安裝成功後點Return to Cydia button[attach]35[/attach]現在按Home回到菜單,然後重新啟動iPhone,IPA補丁安裝完成之後下載你喜歡的軟體的ipa文件,雙擊即可添加到itunes裡面依然在「設備」這里,找到「應用程序」的一欄勾上「同步應用程序」需要同步的ipa也打上勾(點擊圖片放大 )[attach]48[/attach][b][color=Magenta]路人甲:我沒有wifi無線網路,我該怎麼安裝呢?大濕:把deb包用 iFunBox 或者 91手機助手 放在目錄private/var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall/(沒有這個文件夾就新建)內。然後重啟機器兩次(有的時候重啟一次就有了)就完成安裝了,deb包也會自動刪除。[/color][/b][b] AppSync3.0固件iPA破解補丁v1.0 [/b][attach]46[/attach][b]同步補丁AppSync3.1-3.1.2固件iPA破解補丁v1.0[/b][attach]45[/attach]

8. ubuntu的軟體安裝到底是怎麼一個過程




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