導航:首頁 > 免費資訊 > 對什麼免費開放英文


發布時間:2022-07-10 04:33:21

『壹』 免費對公眾開放怎麼翻譯

Open to the public for free

『貳』 免費向青少年開放英文

Based on the questionnaire result,they decide to open the art museum free to teenages and organize various activities to satisfy their love and enthusiasm to art.

『叄』 「免費」開放用英文怎麼說

Free open

『肆』 這個博物館對大學生免費開放英語翻譯

This museum is open to college students for free.

『伍』 對內開放用英語怎麼說

對外開放是open up
對內開放和對外開放應該是open up to the inside and outside(我不知道對內開放是什麼意思)
優勝劣汰是survival of the fittest

『陸』 免費開放 英語怎麼說

open for free。。。。

『柒』 對免費開放博物館的看法寫一篇英語作文.(free admissions to museums)

Visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of time. The amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most valuable.

On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the ecational experience and cultural sense altogether so well. The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge. One who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in Mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of dinosaur. Similarly, a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion, custom and even ideology of a specified period, which are merely abstract impressions in reading material.

Meanwhile, the architecture designs, which are more often than not among the most idiosyncratic in the city, are worth the visit. For example, the famous Louvre, originated in 13th century, taking up the Renaissance style and undergoing the turbulence of French Great Revolution, accommodating with the ideas of the first grade contemporary architects, assume an not only unique but also gorgeous fashion that can be seen nowhere else, with the labyrinth-like structure and the wonderful masterpieces, overwhelming the visitors. The Palace Museum itself is the most well-preserved and grandest ancient China architectural complex. The symmetrical distribution of the buildings sufficiently reflects the philosophy of the Chinese architecture and the strict hierarchy ideas of ancient China.

Finally, some of the collections of a famous museum are second to no other celebrated resort locale. They are another kind of wonder on the earth, which demonstrate the superlative ingenuity and exorbitant crafts of human being. Few can hold there extolment to himself while they are visiting the Vatican Museum and dwarfed by the masterpieces of the Renaissance genius, namely, Rafael and Michelangelo, who had both devoted ten years of their golden era to the museum and sprinkled their talent in the countless paintings and statuary which have now been a part of the museum itself. Admiring such a artistic work only is a great mind-tugging that can be experienced right there, right then.

『捌』 按照下列要求寫一個英文通知: 1、博物館免費開放。 2、免費開放原因。 3、免費開放的時間。

XXXXX Museum
No Adimission Fee

Because of 原因,XXXX Museum will be opened for free ring 時間.



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