導航:首頁 > 電腦設備 > 把鍵盤滑鼠和電腦連接起來英文


發布時間:2022-10-31 19:33:36

1. 電腦主機,顯示器,鍵盤滑鼠的英語翻譯分別是什麼

主機 host computer
顯示器 monitor (計算機術語,應該是監視器,所以是monitor
鍵盤 keyboard
滑鼠 mouse

2. 首先,把滑鼠和電腦連接起來。 翻譯成英語

1, first of all, the mouse and the computer connected.
2, how do I use the computer to draw.
3, I want to work in the new file to write.
4 where are the computers?
5, he opened the door, I open the computer.

3. 我想學習如何把鍵盤和滑鼠連到電腦上的英文

I want to learn how to connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer.

I want to learn how to connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer.

4. 把顯示器,滑鼠,鍵盤連接到電腦上,接通電腦電源」用英語怎麼寫

Connect video, mouse, and keyboard to the computer; then connect the computer to the power outlet.

5. 電腦主機與滑鼠鍵盤怎麼連接起來


6. 首先把屏幕連到電腦上,然後把顯示器滑鼠聯到電腦上,然後打開電腦,這句話的英文翻譯

Firstly, connecting the screen to the computer , and then put the mouse of the display to the computer.At last,opening the computer.

7. 請把滑鼠連接到電腦上的英文

Please connect the mouse to the computer
Please connect the mouse to the computer, thank you

8. 接下來,把鍵盤和滑鼠連接到電腦上用英文翻譯過來

Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer.

9. 接下來把鍵盤和滑鼠連到主機上翻譯成英語

您好,翻譯為 Next to the keyboard and the mouse to the host



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