導航:首頁 > 軟體問題 > 有哪些能教人念發言稿的軟體


發布時間:2022-05-16 21:22:51

『壹』 誰有將語音轉換為文字的軟體,領導的隨即發言稿要打成文字,累死我啊,謝謝網友們了,推薦一下,在線等


『貳』 有沒有練習口才的軟體

抬杠軟體手機版v1.0.7 官方安卓版抬杠軟體就是完全基於語音交互的一款產品,杠客精神:勇於表達、闡述自己的獨特觀點,是一款很好的訓練口才的軟體。另外還有一款軟體供參考。


訓練你的口才 V2.3.0安卓版

『叄』 請問各位高手在哪能找到在這邊打好稿子就能發出人的念稿聲音的軟體,最好是播音員說的那種!謝謝


中文語音朗讀軟體 Read2U:

網路鸚鵡(中英文朗讀軟體) 6.7

『肆』 請幫忙翻譯成英語,請不要用金山詞霸等軟體,那樣的話我自己也會。演講稿,如果翻譯的好,可以追加50

My profession
I』m worked as a kindergartener .
Being ateacher is my dream when I was young. every time I see teachers stand on the teaching platform,I consider themto be the most excellent persons in the world ,--they own much more knowledgethan ordinary people. I usually don』t listen to my parents everytime they teachme a lesson . but I pay much attention to my teachers』word.
When I grow up,I arrive at a conclusion that teachers are not so legendary as i considered.asa result,my ideal has changed for many times. Howerever, our life is marvelous, we finally return to our originalplace after walking some curving road. At last ,I become a teacher, especiallya kindergartener .
Considered thisprofession as a pleasure in the beginning, I this stay with children everydayand sing, dance,draw,and play is the most beautiful thing in the world.
However,thingsare different when I start. At first .the kindergarten ecation is not an compulsoryecation. So our country doesn』t build many kindergartens. Which didn』tcorrespond to the quatity of the elementary, while there are many children ,whichcause the heavy quatity of people in a class. In the case of many kids in akindergarten ,it is not easy to keep them safe and meantime guarantee theirecational progress. It is nearly impossible to provide children with fullfreedom as the Europe country.because it has a high risk. every class in Europe』 kindergarten has fifteenchildren and four teachers. However, here in china ,there are forty children atmost and only three teachers. And when a teacher is ill, there are muchpossibility that two teachers are leading forty children. Working from 7:00amto 6:00pm ,11 hours of working time is a really great challenge to teachers. Andteachers have to write teaching plan, self-examination, discourse and conclusion.otherwise, they have to arrange children』s classroom, make materials, writelesson plan, prepare the expert class and public class. What』 more , organize children』sday, prepare for country』 estimate, entertain the leadership are concluded in their work. Finally, I have to insist intaking English class, it is better to have a nice teacher to be your partner,this year the teacher who help me when I was promoted to be a leader is not soreliable, lazy and usually off work ,which makes me even want to kill myself.
Beside, the misunderstandingof the whole society. Nowadays. There are many events which are exposure on theinternet that teachers often abuse children. From where I stand ,this situationmay really exist, but it must be very few, at least in the kindergarten where Istay ,I don』t find teachers like this. I love children much , and I alsounderstand their playful behavior in their especial age. In my opinion, some oftheir behavior are trying to seek teacher』s attention, some are explorationse to their curiosity. In a word, they are all angels, pure andkindhearted .their mistakes are careless and teachers can correct them by appropriateleading, instead of radical means. Some reports cause a negative effect to kindergarteners. As a result we have great difficult talking withparents.
At last,parents』 problems are also obvious. nowadays, the one-child families are be in the majority. Kid at home are little empire orprincess. Doted by their parents and finally be weak to bear frustrations anddisciplines. They even never used to teacher』s criticism when they makemistake. Don』t say have a fall in PE class. Sometimes I also consider whetherparents can protect their children for a whole life? Your behaviors are lovingthem or damaging them and if the children who grow in environment like this canbear the frustration in the future? Children are in need of ecation , parentsalso need it. As a teacher I have the responsibility to leading parentsto learn the right ecation modes and ideas, which is one of the importantwork I have to do in the future.
So many complaint and grumble , though, when I see their beautiful smiles and theirlove to me, all trouble disappear. Then let』s forget the pain and enjoy ourbeautiful time with children.
This is our beautiful kindergarten , and this is a playground.And beautiful flower corridor , sea tunnel. On the picture is our class,this is when I make shark with children. And make a snowman , have a snowballfight in winter. Finally , these are some of my work. And kids invite me toappreciate their building blocks .
In a word, children are real angels., your smiles are honestand the love you give to me is true forever. I love you and I will be yourcompanion to witness your beautiful childhood.


『伍』 五千字的發言稿五分鍾能念完嗎








『陸』 老媽不識字,但是我結婚需要發言,還要說普通話怎麼能教會她把簡單的發言稿讀完,或者簡單的日常生活用字


『柒』 有哪些超使用的演講技巧值得學習的








『捌』 app演講稿編寫技巧

摘要 演講稿寫作方法與技巧

『玖』 如何快速記住演講稿

記憶,不是死記硬背。記憶是一項復雜的活動,要想擁有良好的記憶力,還需要一些科學的方法和策略。 有意記憶法。首先要明確記憶的任務,任務越明確,越能調動記憶的積極性,記憶的效果就越好。有的同學讀書喜歡囫圇吞棗,目標不明確,所以看過一遍便記住的卻很少,但如果在讀書前確定自己必須背誦的目標,在這些內容上特意多次重復,那麼記憶效果就會很明顯。所以在記憶學習內容時不要貪多,哪怕只記下一點點也是有所收獲。 理解記憶法。數學中的原理、定義、公式等,以及語文中的某些知識,通過理解記憶法會達到比較好的效果。「若要記得,必先懂得」。理解了並不等於記住了,對於理解的東西,也要多次重復才能記住。 聯想記憶法。是利用聯想來增強記憶效果的方法。一種事物和另一種事物相類似時,往往會從這一事物引起對另一事物的聯想。把記憶的材料與自己體驗過的事物聯系起來,記憶效果就好。大家在記憶某種事物時可以聯想一下與它在時間或空間上接近的事物,或者是相類似的事物,或者是相反的事物。例如:在學習漢字時,把字形、字音相近,能互相引起聯想的字編成一組一組的,像把「揚、腸、場、暢、湯」放在一起記,把「情、清、請、晴」放在一起記。每組漢字的右邊都是相同,每組字的漢語拼音也有共性,前一組的漢語拼音韻母都是「ang」,後一組的漢語拼音都是「qing」,這樣就可以學得快,記得住。 精選記憶法。要想將所有的教材都記起來是不現實的,因此我們需要找出重點或難點,並做上標記,以便增進專注力。找出重點不但體現了我們對學習的理解程度,還能幫助我們做進一步的學習。 諧音記憶法。記憶歷史年號、大串的數字是比較難的,若用諧音記憶法,不但有趣,效果也不錯。 口訣記憶法。將要記得內容編成口訣,對記憶很有幫助。除了老師教給你的口訣,你也可以自己編一些。 記憶的方法有很多,不同的人需要找到適合自己的記憶方法,根據不同的內容也同樣需要採取不同的記憶方法。這就要根據具體情況區別對待。 看在我那麼辛苦打字的分上,就給我個滿意答案吧~



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